Alexander vs Arthur (from the epic movie)

Last nite, I stay up late to watch Alexander (Colin Farrel). Two nights before that, I stay up late also to watch King Arthur (dunno the actor's name but know Guinnevere by Kiera Knightley).
So, what's Alexander vs King Arthur? Both are great kings. The first one, wanted to be the King of Asia. He succeed, to some extent. Arthur united his people and formed a great kingdom. Alexander, the conqueror. Arthur, the freeedom fighter. This is my view from the movie. I'm not yet looking deeply into the history of both men.

Since I was in IIU, my passion for ancient/medieval history has made me to think a lot about changing my course. From communication to history. But I did not make such moves because thinking about job prospect at that time. If this country give enough opportunity to Indiana Jones-Lara Croft wanna be, then I will make such moves.

Back in IIUM, there's one lecture...Bogdan Kopanski, a Turkish resides in Texas, USA. He made me fall in love with history every minute I stepped into his class. Even though we have some disagreement on few things - like how a woman should dressed, woman who's behind the wheel - we are enthusiast about ancient/medieval history.

His room is like a small medieval museum. He taught using movie. I remember Braveheart (Mel Gibson). Never finished watching it until today. Somehow...I don't like the movie or maybe I haven't give enough interest to watch it. May be one day....

Back to the main subject, Alexander vs Arthur. I like Alexander's Babylon. I love Arthur's Camelot. I wish I can time travel dan visit those kings and their great cities. Perhaps...stay there!


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