
Tunjukkan catatan dari Januari, 2011

I am Legend

End of last year, I went for an interview at some college in Negeri Sembilan. The post was for a lecturer. I was told to prepare 10 minutes mock teaching on any subject in management. So I choose the 4 functions of management. Very straightforward and easy to understand. I thought I was prepared. But when I walk into the doors, it was beyond my expectation. Before the mock-up, I was told to imagine teaching a second-year degree student. So I did was I was told. But then, one of the interviewees interrupted me and asking for a case study to be compared with the theory. What the heck? Am I supposed to teach degree students or masters students? Not only that, they kept on comparing our local universities, especially the public universities to the UK's. Saying that our own public universities were not to the UK standards, in academic achievement and academic excellence. I don't know what to say. I'm not the one who should be judging that. I thought I flop the interview

Brand me

Talking about being entrepreneurial, I, without hesitation, as always, act on instinct, kamikaze, set up my own company. I have been thinking about this since 2005. At least I started doing online and soon perhaps have my own physical store. It's still on establishing phase and fragile. Lots of effort has to be pumped in and not forgetting the MONEY....hahaha. Prior to that, I have launched Jajan Packs (a brand under Novel Cafe). Now being run by my housewife sister. She also runs my renting outlet for Novel Kafe (a brand under Novel Cafe). And yesterday, I let my instinct takes control of my action again and as a result, Fukukids World was born.  Three love under one roof. What about my writing? Well since nowadays I was trapped in Facebook gaming center, I don't write anymore. Apart from busy setting up and running my small business, of course. But I know it's not the most right and wisest thing to do...letting yourself indulged too much in online gaming.